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SCCMLASouth Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association

Fostering the Art and Science of Health Sciences Library Service

Renew or Join Us!

Membership dues may be paid either online using a valid credit card (American Express, Discover, Master Card, or Visa) or manually with a check. Annual dues are $35 for regular members, $20 for retired members, and $5 for students. Membership dues are based on the calendar year (January through December); regardless of when you join/renew, all memberships expire on December 31st.

Already a member?

Existing members who wish to renew their memberships or update their contact information will need to log in to their accounts to get started.

After logging in, there will either be a "Renew" button or a note indicating when the next renewal period will be begin.

A previous member (with a different name or email address)?

Send an email to the SCC/MLA Wild Apricot Co-Administrators and include any names or email addresses you might have used to join SCC in the past.

If a record exists, the record will be updated to reflect the new email address, and you will be provided instructions on how to proceed.

More information?

Click here for a printable SCC/MLA Membership Brochure (PDF).

New member?

Please select a membership level below, and click "Next" to start the process.

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Membership perks

  • Scholarships and awards for professional development                                                          
  • Reduced (e.g. member) registration rates for our regional annual meeting (held annually within the 5 state region every October)
  • An award (up to $200 per applicant) for SCC members applying to AHIP for the FIRST time. Applicants must be members of both SCC and MLA. There will be 10 awards given each calendar year, and awards will be provided as a reimbursement.
  • Tap into the brains of the best and brightest medical library staff in the country via our email lists

Why join SCC/MLA?

© 2015-2025 South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association (SCC/MLA). All rights reserved.
Please send comments regarding the website to the SCC/MLA Webmaster.
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