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Hospital & Clinical Section

The Hospital & Clinical Section (HCS) exists and serves to promote the interest and act upon the concerns of hospital libraries and librarians in line with the goals of the South Central Chapter, a chapter of the Medical Library Association (SCC/MLA).   Areas of focus include:

  • Meeting the educational and informational needs of hospital librarians.
  • Provision of opportunities for hospital librarians to exchange ideas, promotion of hospital librarians as the primary health information providers to health practitioners at the Primary Access Library (PAL) level.
  • Encouraging the development of hospital libraries by helping member institutions meet the standards of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and other recognized standards.
  • Seeking to improve hospital library service through cooperative efforts.
  • Communicating to all levels of the National Biomedical Communications Network the needs of hospital libraries.

Any member of SCC/MLA who is interested in furthering development of hospital libraries and librarianship shall be eligible for membership in the HCS. Persons acting on this interest and paying current dues to the Treasurer shall enjoy all rights and privileges of membership. Membership in HCS is based on the calendar year.

SCC/MLA members who are elected Fellows of the Medical Library Association may join HCS. Chapter Fellows shall be exempt from HCS dues.

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