The South Central Chapter (SCC/MLA) is one of 13 chapters of the Medical Library Association (MLA), a professional organization of individuals and institutions in the field of health sciences librarianship. Membership in SCC/MLA is open to anyone interested in health sciences librarianship, and most members reside or work in the south central states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Those five states were originally part of the Southern Regional Group of MLA. In 1973, MLA members in these states voted to form the South Central Regional Group (SCRG/MLA). The group's initial funds came from the Texas Council of Health Sciences Librarians, which voted its assets to SCRG/MLA. Dues were not assessed until 1979. The name was changed to the South Central Chapter in 1989.
The purposes of SCC/MLA include advancing opportunities for continuing education and professional growth in health sciences librarianship and promoting cooperation and communication among the membership.