South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association
Preliminary SchedulesDOWNLOAD CONFERENCE DOCUMENTS Final conference scheduleSCCMLA 2019 CE Course Descriptions Call for Contributed Papers, Posters, Lightning Talks, and Round TablesClick here to view the Call for Participation for the 2019 SCC/MLA Annual Meeting (PDF). Meeting Dates and Location: October 11-16th, Oklahoma City, OK Paper and poster proposals will be reviewed by the Papers and Posters Subcommittees of the Program Committee. Proposals will undergo blind review. (Subcommittee members will not be given author information.) Contributed PapersContributed papers are allotted 15 minutes each for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions. Please remember that only entries in the Research category are eligible for the SCC/MLA and SCAMeL-sponsored Elizabeth K. Eaton, PhD Research Awards for exceptional research. For guidance in determining whether to submit an abstract as Research or Non-Research, please see MLA’s The Structured Abstract: An Essential Tool for Researchers.
PostersSubmit your Poster proposal using the online form.Include with your submission:
Submissions should be in the structured abstract format and should be designated whether they are Research or Non-Research. Please remember that only entries in the Research category are eligible for the SCC/MLA and SCAMeL-sponsored Elizabeth K. Eaton, PhD Research Awards for exceptional research. For guidance in determining whether to submit an abstract as Research or Non-Research, please see MLA’s The Structured Abstract: An Essential Tool for Researchers. Lightning TalksLightning Talks provide attendees with valuable information in a less formal manner than a Contributed Paper or Poster. Topics can cover anything related to libraries: successful (or unsuccessful) projects, new services, future initiatives, emerging technologies, etc. The sky’s the limit! Each presenter will be given 2 minutes to cover the topic and 2 minutes for questions. Presenters are encouraged to speak extemporaneously without PowerPoint.
Round TablesDo you have successful ideas or strategies that you want to share with other librarians? Round Tables serve to promote discussions among attendees who have a shared interest in a topic, idea, workflow, or product. The emphasis is on informal open discussion and the generation of new ideas. Consider facilitating a Round Table to share your expertise, get feedback, and exchange ideas.
Questions?For questions about the form contact Laura Wright For other questions contact Shari Clifton, Program Committee Chair |